Group Healing
at the Beach

TBA in 2019


10:30AM -12:00PM -1:30PM


Redondo Beach, CA
(exact location TBA)

We cordially invite you to our group healing event together! Rosie López, one of my best advanced Reiki students, and I will combine our knowledge and practices of Energy Healing, as well as our experience in Group Healing, and facilitate these Reiki Sessions at the Beach!

We will do three or four Group sessions, depending on how many people register.


We have two canopies to provide shade during the Group Sessions. Ten to 12 people on each session


Registration is below and required.



In recent years, Carlos has facilitated weekly live group healing sessions in Spanish and English through YouTube and Facebook.

During this time, Carlos discovered that people watched his videos and were healed of health problems while they were in different states and countries, including Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Australia and others in Europe.


Rosie specializes in Distance Reiki Healing Sessions, with clients primarily in the United States and Mexico, both Individual and Group.

Rosie also specializes in Healing Ancestral Patterns and Family Toxic Energy Attachments.

Trailer & Video TESTIMONIAL!


C Text Message Testimonial - Reiki Healing Los Angeles
E Text Message Testimonial - Reiki Healing Los Angeles
Lotem - Torrance-Redondo Beach Text Testimonial
Roise Client - Reiki Testimonial Los Angeles - Torrance
Roise Client - Reiki Testimonial Los Angeles - Torrance
Roise Client - Reiki Testimonial Los Angeles - Torrance


payment methods

Choose your session time and
type in the box below:

10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm

Session Time

Send your payment to this phone number:
(310) 592-1813

or use this QR code:

Please remember to send us your Name, Email and Time of the session in which you want to participate, in the form above


Send your payment to this number:

(562) 309-1183

Please remember to send us your Name, Email and Time of the session in which you want to participate, in the form above

Group Sessions will be at:
10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm


The registration is $39/session 

(You can register for multiple sessions)


>  If using Paypal, please enter the time you want to participate in the text box below


>  If using Venmo or Zelle, please enter the time you want to participate in the Memo section

IMPORTANT! For those using Venmo or Zelle when registering, please send your Name, Email, and Session Time(s) using the form below so we can contact you with the details of the Group Session! 

Error: Contact form not found.

Please write your Comments or Questions below!