I became interested in energy healing when my 3 year old son ended up in an emergency room with an auto-immune health condition called “nephrotic syndrome”, caused by excessive vaccinations. His kidneys stopped working, he couldn’t urinate and for a week and he was getting bloated by the accumulation of fluids that are supposed to be eliminated by the kidneys through urine.
The best nephrologist of a prestigious children’s hospital from an also prestigious university said, “He will get over this condition when he becomes a teenager and his kidneys are grown enough to be able to withstand the immune system attacks.” We didn’t want to wait 10 or 15 years for our son to get well!
After 6 months, my wife and I decided to take the alternative route. We found a homeopathic doctor in India who specializes in children with nephrotic syndrome. He sent us the name of the homeopathic remedies by email and never charged us a penny, even when we insisted! Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that works at an energetic level.
We also found at the same time another form of energy healing – an energetic clearing technique that can be received remotely or in distance sessions. It’s called The Pulse, developed and taught by Jo Dunning.
This powerful combination of Homeopathy and The Pulse energy work clearing technique (clears energetic blockages that sometimes are manifested as physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health conditions) saved our son! He was free of the harmful side effects of steroids the conventional doctors forced us to use on him for over 6 months!
I studied Reiki with Alberto Amura, a Reiki master from the Usui Shiki Ryoho line. Alberto Amura, founder of Light Tide Services, He lives in Brazil. He travels to teach and practice Reiki around the world, particularly to Switzerland, Germany, other European countries, and to Brazil and Argentina in South America. Alberto was very gracious to accept a Reiki session from me, three weeks after I completed my Reiki training. Here is his experience recount:
I’m also a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master, certified by International Center for Reiki Training led by its President William Lee Rand. I’ve also trained on Energy Healers by other great healers in the Los Angeles area.
In May 2016 I launched my first “Healing Cancer In This Century“, online video Global Summit, where I create awareness of how emotional trauma, stress of any kind, unresolved issues in life, abuse of any kind (emotional, verbal, physical and sexual) affects our health. I have great energy healers among my Speakers. Some of them are:
- Dr. Adam McLeod, N.D., known as the Dreamhealer
- Dr. Eric Pearl, D.C., founder of the “Reconnective Healing”
- Jeannette von Johnsbach, founder of the Andreas Method
- Alberto Amura, founder of Light TIde
- Jerry Sargeant founder of Star Magic Healing in the UK
- Rob Wergin
I re-launched this Global Summit on September 2016, April 2017 and February 2018 with an even greater success. See Testimonials here: http://healingcancerinthiscentury.net/testimonials/
We offer Free Group Distance Energy Healing sessions just for Registering Free in the Summit. I have over 1,400 registered to my Group Healing sessions.
In July 2016, I took the Light Language Levels 1, 2 and 3 with Starr Fuentes in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Light Language is the use of Sacred Geometry shapes, from the simple Platonic Solids to the most sophisticated ones, in conjunction with colors, to Intuitively design and produce an Energy grid with those shapes and colors, that sends a specific energy healing pattern to the subjects intended to.
I realized that by the time I completed my Reiki training and became a Reiki Master, I had over 25 years of training, waking up and energizing my energy centers (main chakras along the spine and everywhere else in my body). This is the reason why learning and practicing Reiki was so easy and natural for me. This is also why my first clients had great results and experiences from the beginning.
I decided to start practicing Reiki formally, not just as a hobby, encouraged by the wonderful reports of my clients and friends after they enjoyed my Reiki sessions. I enjoyed the sessions as much as they do!!! My main work as an Energy Healer is to remove Energy Blockages from people’s chakras that do not allow them to move forward in life.
When people ask me to explain “What is Reiki? “, the best explanation I have is: “Come for a session and you will know by yourself!“ The main reason why this is my best description of what is Reiki is because everyone has a different experience and every time the energy work experience feels different too.
A little bit more about me…
We Reiki practitioners are just a clear channel and instrument for “The Energy” to pass through us to the client. The less emotional involved we (the Reiki practitioners) are, the better “The Energy” flows. It requires training. Any body can learn it and be able to use it with proper training and practice. I’ll tell you more about my personal experience with “The Energy”, my energy training and how did I get into energy healing and Reiki on my About Carlos page.
I give Reiki sessions to autistic children at King Sound Voice and Movement, which is an incredible place where the therapists put all their heart and love into the children’s training! We are doing a joint therapy study on the benefits and effects of listening and movement therapies and Reiki energetic healing. It’s noticeable how well they respond to “The Reiki Energy”. It’s beautiful for me to see how well they feel after a Reiki session and the connection we make!
My first experience with an autistic child started with a handsome 15 years old, deep blue eyes boy. Our first session was just 15 minutes. It is usually recommended to start with just 15 minutes of energy healing. Our second session was close to 20 minutes, which was a big surprise for me due to the uncontrollable movements of his body during the first session. Our third went to almost 30 minutes because he got into the energetic-conscious sleep state of deep energetic relaxation that most people get into.
I also practice at the Comprehensive Pain Relief Group in Torrance, treating patients who have severe pain that usually do not respond to medications any longer. They love my Reiki sessions because they experience relief of their pain in just the first session. Reiki has been used extensively for pain management (see my “Reiki and Pain Management” page).

This energetic-conscious sleep state of deep energetic relaxation is just one of the various signs that the REIKI hands-on energy healing is in progress and the client is getting deep benefits from it. This relaxing state is usually called “sleep” state at a Reiki session. You are conscious, very relaxed, aware of your surroundings and you don’t want to get “out” of that very-pleasant state! Sometime clients fall into deeper states of relaxation and even have “dream-like” experiences, very vivid and meaningful in most cases.
I also practice a clearing technique called The Quick Pulse, developed by Jo Dunning. It is a form of energy healing that does not require the client to lay on a massage table like in Reiki. It’s not a hands-on energy healing technique. It works in a similar way with “The Energy” that Reiki and its intent is to remove energetic blockages: things you don’t want or like in your life, things you want to change, emotional energetic clearing, like a broken heart, emotional stress, work stress, relationships stress and problems and similar situations. I found this energy clearing technique very effective on clearing emotional blockages.
I also practice Reiki on animals, cats, dogs and horses. Animals respond very well and quickly to Reiki energy healing.
I live and practice Reiki in Torrance, California, Los Angeles area. I’m an electronics engineer by formal training, now a digital marketing, video marketing and Internet marketing specialist, who loves outdoors, camping, hiking, running at the Manhattan Beach shores, exercising at the Manhattan Beach sand dunes, biking-running-exercising at the park, shooting pictures and videos, and placing websites, blogs and YouTube videos on the first page of Google!
- Video Marketing Los Angeles
http://videomarketinginla.com - Video Marketing Los Angeles in Facebook
If you are not in the Los Angeles area, you still can enjoy the benefits of a Distance Energy Healing Session.
Email me at carloscaridad (at) reikienergyhealingla.org to experience the benefits!
Carlos D. Caridad
Reiki Master Teacher, Los Angeles, Torrance
Reiki Master Los Angeles
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