Healing Your Broken Heart, Body, Mind and Soul!

Do you need a Psychic Reading or an Energy Wellness Report? 

Our Auras are a reflection of the “health” of our chakras and our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, area reflection of the “wellness” of our Chakras!

Chakras are transducers of Energy: they absorb energies from higher Dimensions (hither frequencies we can’t see or measure but our bodies can feel it), Then transform that energy in something our bodies can use and that energy is distribute to our physical organs, as well as to our Energy Body. It is called Chi, Prana, Bio-energy, Light, Holy Ghost.

Our Auras Energy are “made” from the Energy absorbed by the Chakras. If our Chakras have Energy Blockages, they can’t freely absorb Energy, therefore that lack of energy will be reflected in our Aura, and in the health of our four Energy Bodies.

A healthy Aura has no holes or cracks (areas void of energy), ONLY when our Chakras have no Toxic Energies,  Energy Blockages or Entities (individual conscious forms of toxic energies or energy blockages), our Auras “look” healthy to people who have the gift of seeing those higher frequencies with their Pineal Gland or Spiritual Eye. I call this Energy Vision, because they “see” the Energy of people’s Auras and organs, or the lack of it!

We can see now the Aura Reading is a Chakra Reading or finding Energy Blockages on people’s Chakras and Energy Body are all the same!

I call it Chakra Wellness Report and it’s the finding of Energy Blockages that are interfering with the free absorption of higher frequencies Energy by the Chakras. This interference affects our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellness.

SAMPLE Chakra-Aura Wellness Report

Chakra-Aura-Wellness Report

Now, I don’t think God (The Source Energy) is so selfish that He only gave a few people the gift of seeing Energies. How do we “regular” people can know the health and wellness or their Auras and Energy Body?

This is what I do:

  • I find your Chakras’ Energy Blockages by scanning with my hand
  • I also find Energy Blockages using a pendulum
  • AND I also find Energy Blockages with the pendulum at a Distance, over a Chakra Chart or drawing I made for that purpose

I can find Energy Blockages on people at a Distance before they come for a hands-on Reiki Energy Healing Session AND my Distance clients. This is a very precise way to do an “Aura Reading” by doing a “Chakra Reading”!

If you want to know the health and wellness of your Energy Body, Aura and Chakras, please fill in the form below and pay in advance by using PayPal.

It’s just $40 per Report! Please fill out the form below if you’re interested in a Wellness Report!