Invitation to Watch “Heal” Documentary!!!
When I interviewed Dianne Porchia, a Spiritual Healer and mind-body medicine expert, for my “Healing Cancer In This Century” online video Summit, she told me, “I’m featured in the documentary Heal”. At first, I had no idea what she was talking about.
Then Dianne invited me to see the screening of “Heal” in Santa Monica on October of this year (2017). After watching just the last 15 minutes of the Friday premiere, I couldn’t help myself and went to the screenings for the next two days and as well as the Q&As after the movie! I went to a total of four screenings in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills!
I’ve watched the documentary five times now, the last time was in my home with a group of my Reiki students!
In my opinion, the documentary “Heal” is the reflection of the human consciousness evolving, a paradigm shift from old and outdated material healing methods, which is one of the reasons I say, “Healing For This Century,” a mind-body-spirit wellness and healing with updated modern modalities.
As Kelly Brogan, M.D. says: Heal is “The Health Care Shift We Desperately Need”
This documentary is helping people tremendously by showing them what’s possible in the realm of Energy Healing! It gives people not just hope, but new and real healing possibilities!
There are three energy healers featured in this documentary: a Reiki Master/EFT practitioner, an Energy Healer/Energy Medicine Intuitive Healer, and a Medical Intuitive.
Please watch these three trailers of this great “Heal” Documentary!
Some transcription from these trailers:
“All what I’m going to ask you today is to trust, believe and surrender… This is not western medicine, this is Easter Medicine and Energy Medicine. Eastern Medicine says basically and Energy Medicine says that as humans beings, we learn how to hold on to all our emotions. And in doing so, we create density in our bodies… Things that western medicine has labeled as: cancer, fibromyalgia, crohn’s disease, headaches, depression, anxiety, all of that…”
Rob Wergin, Energy Healer
“In order for some of us to wake up, we need a wake up call…”
Joe Dispenza
“The body has the capacity to heal that I was never informed of in medical school..”
Kelly Brogan, M.D
“Is not just that disease starts in the mind… It’s that just everything starts in the mind…”
Marianne Williamson