Group Healing Session Testimonials
In my Group Healing Sessions, people come to get Energy Blockages removed during the session. What I do is an In-person “Distance Healing Session”. In my experience and the participants, these Group Healing Sessions are very powerful.
Over the years practicing Reiki Energy Healing, I discovered how Distance Healing works and several ways to perform it. I teach this Group Distance Healing Sessions to my Reiki 2 students and ALL of them are excellent Distance Healers!

On the three Video Testimonials below, I do a hands-on Reiki session on a massage table, while thew rest of the Group receive the “Distance Healing Session”.
This is what participants do:
- Lie down on the carpet, yoga mat or the chairs, to be able to relax and feel The Healing Energy. during and after the session.
- To “connect” with The Healing Energy, the Group and myself, I ask participants to mentally repeat: “I’m receiving an Energy Healing Session from Carlos”.
- Make an immediate healing intention, like: “I want this head ache/ back pain to be removed”
- Then a deeper intention: “I want the Root Cause of this pain to be removed/dissolved”, to remove the unwanted energy blockages and entities that do not belong to us!
- After the two intentions we make to The Intelligent/Conscious Healing Energy, to focus on their bodies, so they can feel the energy, rather that focus on the busy/restless mind.
Group Healing Session (Spanish) at the Life Conscious Expo 2018:
This group of people, after a 20 minutes presentation, lay down on the carpet or in the chairs for about 20 minutes, receiving Reiki Healing Energies Healing Reiki by Carlos Caridad, facilitator and speaker in this workshop.

One person felt that his body sunk on the earth, much peace and joy! He said: “This was a deep healing experience!”
Another person felt that he left his body, got scared and returned immediately. (This is another deep healing experience, meaning that an Energy Blockage that was meant to be active much later, was lifted, This person does not have to go through that “sickness” or “accident” experience any longer!)
Everyone has different healing experiences. The Energy gives each person what he needs.
Group Healing Session at the Multidimensional School of Healing Arts 2017:
Testimonies After the Group Healing Session (Spanish) at the Life Conscious Expo 2018:
“Healing Sexually Transmitted Energetic Blockades”
Participant: “I felt movements in different part of my body. When the light went off I felt you were every where, walking around. Then I saw a violet light and I thought you were shining that violet light on my eyes, I opened my eyes and I saw you doing your hands on healing session to that woman. where you are now! I said, “He is not shining a light on my face! It’s a light I’m seeing!”
Carlos: “All that you experienced today, specially the feeling and sensations that “there was some one moving around us”, is an spiritual perception. What people talk about Angels, that is what Angels are!, an Energy moving around and in us! Angels are individual Energy/Consciousness that could be from a person that was in this material form in past time, on earth or not, that came here to help you on this healing process!
Participant: “This is why I opened my eyes to verify you were nest to me blowing air on me! I heard that air blowing on me twice! Because the Purple color I was seeing was so beautiful I thought you were shinning that light on me! and you were not next to me. You were there doing the Reiki session. Something was between you and me so I knew you were not doing it, I was seeing an inner, spiritual light!
Carlos: I’m glad you opened your eyes to verify you were having your own spiritual experience! Many times during Reiki sessions, people feel sensations on places other than where I have my hands on, and they think “It can not be that Carlos have four hands!” What I do there, simultaneously during the Hands-On Healing session and your Group healing Session, is to connect with the Divinity, The Spirit or Healing Energy. I can feel that connection! I felt a strong Energy today during this session! This is why I can assure you all received healing.
Participant”: “I felt a shadow, then I saw those colors, Blue, Green, Purple,
Carlos: “Those vivid colors you saw are different colors of the Healing Energy.”
Other Participant: “I also saw Purple color. And what I felt is that I went out of my body, and out of body experience. (Remember people were laying down on the floor carpet). Yes I went out of my body and at the same time I felt heavy and floating.
Carlos”: “Your Soul-Energy Body, which is Energy, moved away from your physical body to facilitate the Healing. That was a real experience: A deep healing experience, and means an Energy Blockage that was meant to be active much later, was lifted, removed, This person does not have to go through that “sickness” or “accident” experience any longer!) This is what real Distance Healing is all about!@ I’ll invite you to participate of me FREE Group Distance Healing Sessions.
Note – Register FREE here:
Another Participant: “I felt a sensation on my solar plexus like things were moved away, freeing my body”.
Another Participant: “I felt something pushing and the same time pulling my chest.”
The woman who received the Hands-On healing at the front of the room: “I felt you were touching my feet and blowing air on my feet. I know you were not doing it!. It was like your hands were blowing air on my feet!”
Another Participant: “Then someone was walking by my side. I felt some one standing by my feet!”
Carlos: “You had an Angel or Spiritual Being helping you! I didn’t call Him! I can assure that!”. “It was youir own merit. That Energy or Angel came to help you! It was her, it came to help you!”
If you are interested in any of my services/programs, please call me at 310.592.1813 , email me at carloscaridad (at) or fill out the form below.
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