Removing the Root Causes: Toxic Energy Blockages
Where does anxiety come from? Usually Anxiety is the response of our body to fear. Fear that something might happen, will happen, because it happened before or for no apparent reason!
Mark Twain said: “From all worries I had in life, most never happened.”
Definition of Anxiety: “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.”
From the Energy view point, anxiety is the response of our bodies to an Energy Blockage that acts as an “open wound”. Every time we mentally go to “that situation/person”, our body tell us “it’s going to be bad.” Many times it’s unconscious, yet it affect us deeply.
When the Energy Blockages that are at the Root cause of the anxiety are removed – by a Reiki Hands-on Energy Healing session, the root cause(s) of the anxiety is removed. Our bodies do not need to react to that mental stimuli anymore, to the possibility that really does not exist here and now, in the present moment.
Being conscious, aware in the present moment, aware of our body, might take the Anxiety completely from us!

Nowadays it’s very common to have “social anxiety” because of being too much on our cell phones, checking emails, texts, Facebook, Instagram, etc., etc., etc.! In this case anxiety comes from the obsession to “cyber contact/communication.”
You could try removing the toxic energies that produce that obsession. The root cause could be low self esteem, low self worth that makes you look for approval on social networks, or constant communication and contact through your cell phone. In this case you need to strengthen you self-esteem, self-worth and practice meditation to lower that anxiety to be always in communication: develop a communication with your soul!
Another Video Testimonial of Healing Anxiety with Reiki
Question from an email:
“What suggestions can you give me to help me deal with fear? I feel that my anxiety comes on when I begin to fear situations that are not even happening…what can I do?”
That’s what fear is all about! An anxiety that comes on when you begin to fear situations
that are not even happening…
Why that happens?
Because we still have Energy Blockages we need to remove!
An Energy Blockage is literally an open wound that, of course, is not healed. When we or “someone” touches it, including thoughts we have, it “hurts”. That creates an anxiety that really does not exist.
Energy Blockages have only one goal: affect us in a negative way by causing us illnesses, accidents, worries, anxieties, depression, and so on.
Anxiety and worries are unnecessary toxic energies “we” create because we still don’t have the mental and/or spiritual tools to handle Emotional Traumas or stressful situations in life.
Please come for a session to work on that unnecessary anxiety and we talk about the Healing-Coaching Weight Loss Program.
Blessings, Light and Love!
Reiki Healing & Pain Management Los Angeles – Reiki 4 Stress Anxiety Depression Distress
Using the Crystal Healing Bed and Reiki to Heal Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Crystal Healing Bed + Reiki – Anxiety-Panic Attacks – Los Angeles Torrance
If you’re interested in a Reiki Session, please contact me here or call, text, email me:
Phone: 310-592-1813
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