Healing Your Broken Heart, Body, Mind and Soul!

Reiki, Egypt Private Luxury Healing Tours & Energy Healing

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Reiki Client Testimonials:
Healing Anxiety & Panic Attacks

What is Reiki Energy Healing?

Reiki is a form of hands-on in person or distance energy healing therapy (Energy Medicine) that brings back to balance the electro-magnetic energetic fields of our bodies (also known as Chakra Balancing), strengthens our immune system, reduces and eliminates stress, and activates our body’s innate self-healing abilities by removing toxic interference fields (Energy Blockages and Entities), among many other benefits.

When those Energy Fields (Chakras) have been altered, distorted by chronic stress, strong toxic emotions and challenges, interference fields, called Energy Blockages and Entities, are formed in our Energy Field. Those energy blockages do not allow the Energy to freely flow into our bodies, and as a result, we feel out of balance, tired, and weak. In addition, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual conditions might develop. 

These Energy Blockages and Entities do not belong to us and can be removed with Reiki!

During energy work, dreamlike relaxation is experienced as of conscious and unconscious anxiety issues are removed. The Energy during a Reiki healing session is accompanied by aura interactions (aura being the energetic electro-magnetic field surrounding all living creatures or Human Energy Field). A Reiki energy healing session can be administered hands-on in person or at a distance (non-locally). The healing effects of a distance Reiki session are just as effective as in person hands-on sessions.

Many physical, mental, and emotional health conditions have an energetic imbalance origin. Reiki and other forms of (hands on) Energy Healing are able to remarkably improve the self-healing of those conditions, without the side effects of medications. 

Dr. Oz is an extensive user of Reiki and he says, “Sometimes, Reiki healing works when nothing else does.” One of the personnel Dr. Oz includes in his operating room is Reiki Master Practitioner Pamela Miles, who has been practicing Reiki since 1986.

Reiki has been scientifically studied and many clinical studies and research have been conducted to prove its efficacy. It’s a very practical, down to earth and provable healing therapy practice. The benefits and results of a Reiki session are very evident and concrete (read about the Reiki scientific and clinical studies here).

Even though hands-on energy healing is effective and its beneficial effects can be felt by almost any person, some people are reluctant to try because of the Western medicine brainwashing we have. We are taught to ask for pills and drugs to eliminate the symptoms or our physical, emotional, mental and sometimes even our spiritual problems (like depression, anxiety, boredom, low self esteem, and so on).

For the last century, Occidental medicine schools have been controlled by the pharmaceutical industry in order to profit from people’s pain and suffering by selling them drugs that temporarily address a symptom. Medical schools educate future doctors and other health practitioners like nurses, on only using medical drugs and prescriptions to treat most health conditions. Most of these conditions can be beautifully and painlessly solved just with proper, food, diet and nutrition. Most medical doctors don’t even know about the importance of having healthy diet by eating organic foods and a plant-based nutritional diet. Hence, chronic illnesses are showing in our population at alarming rates. Obesity, heart problems, cancer and a long list of health conditions are at scary numbers and growing.

Many of these conditions can be mitigated and can even disappear in some cases with different forms of energy healing like acupuncture, Reiki, other forms of hands-on energy healing, Qigong, the Quick Pulse (an energy-clearing new technique developed by Jo Dunning), and others.

Healing from the Inside-Out with Reiki!

Healing is always done from the inside out – from the subtle body to the physical body. In order to heal, we need to remove Energy Blockages, which can be done with Reiki Energy Healing. When we no longer have Energy Blockages, the energy is able to flow throughout our body and we can then begin the healing process and become our best selves.

What is Reiki Useful for?

  • Removing the pain of a broken heart from any source: romantic, work, family or friend-related
  • Stress relief from any source: work, traffic, toxic relationships, deadlines, finances, and more
  • Removing energy blockages and entities 
  • Depression, panic attacks, phobias, anguish, desperation, anxiety reduction
  • Insomnia
  • Trauma, mental trauma, emotional trauma
  • Divorce support
  • Lack of purpose in life
  • General health maintenance and support
  • Complementary to conventional medical treatment
  • Cancer support
  • Lessening physical discomfort and healing injuries – menstrual cramps/pain, digestive ailments, heart ailments, pain management, headaches and migraines, immune system weakness
  • Pre/post surgery recovery and depression
  • Drug and alcohol rehab support

Benefits of Reiki – Bioenergy Healing Sessions

  • Deep physical, mental and emotional relaxation

  • Emotional, mental, spiritual and physical healing

  • Increased mental, emotional and physical energy

  • Mental clarity and peak performance – make better decisions and find answers to important questions in your life

  • Revitalization – find or recover your sense of purpose in life and be in alignment with your Real Self

  • Frustration, anger and stress are lessened or eliminated
    • Note: depression, severe anger, and a broken heart shut down certain receptors on our cells, like receptors for absorbing nutrition. When new cells are created by cell division, you are making cells that don’t absorb nutrition

  • Problems seem to lose their grip and intensity

  • Results vary – you may feel some or all of these benefits!

I use Reiki and other forms of Energy Healing to help people heal themselves, improve their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual state, and to reach peak performance from the cellular and energetic point of view from whatever state they are in.

I specialize in the following areas:

  • Healing from broken hearts
  • Removing Energy Blockages
  • Removing Entities (or intelligent-conscious forms of energy blockages)
  • Home, office, space clearing from toxic energies

Schedule Your Session Today!

If you’re interested in a Reiki Session, please contact me here
or call, text, email me:

Phone:  310-592-1813
Email: carloscaridad@reikienergyhealingla.org

Too busy to come in for a session?  I can travel to your office or home if you live within 15 miles from me (Torrance, CA). Professionals love energy healing sessions in the middle of the week (Wednesday’s between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm are the most requested appointments).

I see clients from all over South Bay/Los Angeles County – Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles, El Segundo, Marina Del Rey, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills, Harbor City, San Pedro, Wilmington, Hawthorne, Inglewood, Gardena, Carson, Lomita, and Torrance.


Carlos_Caridad_Reiki Energy Healing Los Angeles

Carlos Caridad
Reiki Master Practitioner

Ask me any question you may have and leave your comments and feedback in the box below:


27 responses to “✨ Reiki Energy Healing for Emotional Healing – Peak Performance ✨”

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  2. Abel Demaine Avatar
    Abel Demaine

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    Visit us on https://reikienergyhealingla.companyregistar.org/reikienergyhealingla.org to get listed.

  3. Carlos Avatar

    Testing this form from REHLA Home Page

  4. Rodrigo Branco Avatar

    Hello Carlos
    How are you?
    We are from White’s Corporation (https://instagram.com/whitescorporation?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) and we represent the Crystal Therapy® brand in Brazil.
    Crystal Therapy® has been manufacturing for 25 years the original crystal bed built with Vogel crystals and lights where through chromotherapy and the power of crystals cleans, rebalances and realigns the Chakras promoting physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
    If you want results for a healthier and more balanced life for your customers, we can help you.
    Your customers deserve an original crystal bed.
    We also sell spare parts.
    Global delivery
    Our mission is to bring healing and love to all parts of the world.

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Hello Rodrigo,

      I own a Crystal Bed since 2015.

      The depth of the Crystal Bed healing is not even near at the one that an Energy Healer, a human being, who is consciously connected with The Divinity, can produce or perform.

      The Vogel Crystals send some healing energy, but are not able to remove deep Energy Blockages, such as Human Spirit attachments, non-human spirits, energy parasites, and other king of deep Energy Blockages.

      So the use of the Crystal Bed is very limited.
      John of God was fooling people and selling it at 10 times or more than the cost of making it! and it’s results are very limited!

      Carlos Caridad
      Reiki Master

  5. Kathy Allison Avatar
    Kathy Allison

    Thank you for the newsletter.

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      You are very welcome Kathy Allison!


  6. Lisset Avatar

    Hi Carlos I will like a session with you
    Do I have to make an appointment?

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Lisset, please call me to (310) 592-1813 to make an appointment.

      Carlos Caridad
      Reiki Master

  7. Cornelius Atema Avatar
    Cornelius Atema

    Hello Carlos,

    I have been into Reiki healing for about a year now and know I have a lot to learn.. I recently encountered a very complicated issue which ended up leaving my fiancee possessed (don’t know if it is the right word to use). I need your guidance and assistance as it seems as if the entity is a smart one. I will glad if we can talk so I can elaborate more on it. Namaste

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Thank you Cornelio for reaching out!

      Yes, it’s common for some people to get “entities” attached.
      If you say it’s a smart one, and may be angry and possessive, “it” probably is a non-human spirit attachment. They are tough to remove.
      I’ll send you Tina M. Zion Healing Methods for thes difficult cases.

      Remember, the Reiki Meditations, Hatsurei-ho and Gassho, are very good to keep our Energy Field -Aura- strong.
      It also give us a strong connection with the Reiki Energy, that is a manifestation of God as Healing Energy.

      Let’s communicate by phone!


  8. Ana Chiang Avatar
    Ana Chiang

    I like some information about Reiki,please

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Ana, in my website there is a lot of information about Reiki.

      Please call me so we can talk and I can answer all your questions!
      (310) 592-1813


  9. Jeanette Hill Avatar
    Jeanette Hill

    I need your help

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Jeanette, I know I can help you, please call me at (310) 592-1813


  10. Alex Avatar


    I was wondering if you help with more serious, chronic illnesses, such a liver and kidney problems?

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar


      In the cases where chronic illnesses are the result of chronic emotional trauma, energy healing can help people to heal themselves and remove the emotional trauma.

      Once the cause is found, by personal introspection after the guide of energy healing, people can take clear steps to remove and heal anger, stress, anguish and other negative emotions that are chronically affecting htem.


  11. Phill Avatar

    My 3rd Reiki distance session with Carlos:
    The first sensations went from 1-30 minutes.
    Very quickly, in about 3-5 sec. period, I felt as if my forehead came under a pressure – sometime about when you started. (This is the first time I have experienced this at home. Although, I have experienced this at Dr. Smith’s office a couple of times). This startled me to some extent.

    Arms, hands, legs gently sunk into bed. I felt relaxed and my muscles felt as if being soothed. As if my body was being massaged and relaxing.
    Gentle hip movements for about 5 minutes, felt more like a rhythmic motion, or felt like it although I don’t think I was actually moving.
    Minimal feet sensations, nothing strong as far as movements.
    No twitches of hips, knees, or shoulders.
    I did experience some strong involuntary finger movements, particularly in the left hand. This was a finger jerking upright, one at a time. Then another different one several seconds later.

    No breaks in connections during this session.

    Milder sensations after the first 15 minutes or so. Remained that way to end.

    ~30-32 min.
    Everything seemed to stop all of a sudden. Definitely a session end.

    Did have curling sensation of fingers. Arms quiet during whole session.
    I was very tired tonight. So, I was close to dosing off during the end of the session.
    But, the sensations did stop, or seemed to stop, and I looked over at the clock and it was about 10:32 PM.

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Thank you Phil for your detailed feedback!
      I’m very glad you can feel precisely when the distance sessions start and ends!


  12. Mary Avatar

    Looks like your clients are having fun!
    Why reiki is so powerful?
    Keep it up with the great job!


    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Mary, energy work, Reiki is one form of it, balances the distorted energy fields in our organs and energy centers along the spine (chakras).
      Different people have different needs, therefore they respond (feel) in different ways a Reiki energetic healing session.

      Some people who are very sensitive to “the energy” -that permeates all living things- will experience those remarkable sensations and feelings on their bodies during the Reiki sessions.
      Remember that what our bodies feel are just electric impulses or electric curent through our nerves and cells.
      “The Electromagnetic Energy” that flows into our bodies is manifested and felt as electricity.

      During and energy healing session, “the energy” flows through the person’s body and it’s perceived as electric impulses or just electricity. That person’s body will react -or better respond- by moving, twitching, having some involuntary arms, finger, legs and even hips movement! On occasions I’ve seen intense or jerky movements (and arm move to the side and touch my hip or even the hip moving involuntarily 2-3 inches to one side) because of the of their sensitivity to “the energy”/ electricity that goes through their cells and nerves and the magnitude of that energy.

      It’s all OK, good and safe! Those involuntary movements are signs for the practitioner and the person receiving the Reiki/energy healing session that “the energy” is flowing though and working just fine! Nothing to worry about! but the opposite! (Reconnective Healing, Dr. Eric Pearl)

      If we place very sensitive instruments that can mesure those small energy/electricity levels on a person’s body during a Reiki/energy work session, we will be able to “see”/measure that “extra” energy or electricity”.

      Please read this outstanding article: The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding from the “Institute of Heartmath”

      I hope this answer your question Mary! 🙂


      1. Sherdena Avatar

        Hello my name is Sarah I am experiencing a spiritual awakening and I think I’m having a problem with chakras I am very new to this and just start reading about it this week I’m sick of feeling ill with headaches nausea and the top of my head hurts my hands tingle and I it’s really bad please help

        1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

          Hello Sarah, I know I can help you!

          Please call me at (310) 592-1813
          so we can talk and I’ll explain why and how
          this Energy Healing work will help you!



  13. Philip Travisano Avatar
    Philip Travisano

    A comment from one of my YouTube videos:

    That was a great testimonial. You can’t fake such sincerity. It’s obvious that she had an incredible experience. Nice to see. — I was only the 12th viewer here in June of 2013. I predict many, many more to come.

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Thank you Phillip! I really appreciate it!@


  14. Jeanie Avatar

    Carlos, do all you clients feel those amazing experiences on their sessions? It’s quite incredible what they say in their testimonials! COngratulations!


    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar


      Thank you for your intelligent question! I like it!

      THe truth Jeanie is that not every body feels the same. For every one the Reiki session experience is different and for the same person every session is also different.
      The only and best way to know what a Reiki session feels like is by having one!

      What most people experience is a deep state of what I call “energetic relaxation”. You are conscious of everything that is happening, yet your body is so relaxed that it feels like you are having a very deep and relaxing nap.

      I enjoy very much to see how the faces of my clients change after the sessions! from a tense and some times contortion face expresion to a very relaxed, calmed and even much more beautiful one! (I should take pictures “before and after” sessions!)

      At the beginning of my practice, about 3 years ago, I was even surprised of what my friends and acquaintances reported to me after my Reiki sessions! 🙂

      Jeanie, please read this clinical study in wich they describe what the people receiving Reiki felt and you will see that it’s very similar of what you have heard on my video testimonials:

      If you hear what people say right after the Reiki sessions is even more powerful!!!

      I’ll post just for you what one of my clients told me right after her session a week ago.
      Here it is:
      She felt very tired and sleepy before the Reiki session.
      She had her period and her lower abdomen was hurting. She had some menstrual cramps.
      Her face looked tired.

      “It was my first Reiki session ever”

      After the 45 min Reiki session the expression on her face changed so much! She looked fresh, revitalized, very relaxed, happier and even more beautiful! (Than she already is!)

      She said:
      “My mind feels more clear. My arms and legs steel feel tingling. I still feel,like your hands are on my knees. My body is so relaxed.”

      “At the very beginning of the session, when you touched my chest and solar plexus, I felt that the two points came closer, joined and melted into one”. (I didn’t place my left hand on her chest but on her forehead. My right hand was on her solar plexus).

      “I felt the same melting and joining sensation when you placed my hands on my left shoulder and right hip, then on my right shoulder and left hip”.

      “My menstrual cramps were (almost?) gone!”

      “I feel very calm and peaceful. I feel rested and rejuvenated like if I took a very good nap”

      “I went in and out into a ‘conscious’ sleep state. I was conscious of every thing that was happening because I remember every time you placed your hands on or over my body”.

      “You had placed both of your hands on my knees. When you changed one of them to my right angle, I felt I have 3 hands on my body! On my both knees and my right uncle!”

      “At the end of the session I could see the change on my face: rested, my eyes went from tired to a vibrant eye sight. I even looked more beautiful!”

      I hope this answer your question Jeanie! Still the best way to know is to have a Reiki session! 🙂


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