Covid Fevers Gone with Distance Reiki Energy Healing!
Testimonials from my clients who received a Distance Reiki Session while having a Fever due to COVID-19
Testimonial #1:

“Hi my name is ******, ****** and I was wondering if you have a distant phone appointment for healing. I’m very sick in the hospital with covid and my lungs aren’t taking in oxygen anymore. Would you be available today”
“Yes ******, can we talk now?”
“Maybe in 30 min?”
“Carlos Caridad, Reiki Master”
“Please call me”
“Visualize The Light of God surrounding you and inside of you.”
“Yes, I feel peace”
“That’s God’s Presence! Just relax and close your eyes.”
(After the 30 min Reiki Session)
“How do you feel ******?”
“I feel better, at peace, and they just came in and said they found matching plasma that has been on back order. Thank you! For showing me the light”
(A few days later)
“Did you recover ******?”
“Hi Carlos, thank you so much yes I have made a full recovery. After the Reiki my fever stopped and I was able to focus on God and I thank you so much for helping me”
“I’m very happy to hear that”
“I can’t thank you enough!”
Testimonial #2 (two testimonials):

“Do you have any news on ******?”
“Not yet. After session she text me and said she feel relax from reiki and going to nap”
“Ok, please keep me posted”
“Sure will. Thanks”
(next day)
“****** texted me to say that after her reiki session, she has no more fevers!”
“Just like my husband that had covid fevers for 3 nights. He did a reiki session with you, and he stopped having fevers too.”
“That’s fantastic ******! I’m so happy to hear that! When you had your distance session, you told me you were pregnant. Did you have COVID symptoms too?”
“Yes. I had congestion, lost of smell and taste. After session with you, the next day, it all went away. I had 3 days of symptoms. And all went away the next day after 1 distant reiki session”
“Phenomenal ******! Thank you for letting me know that! Good night!”
“Reiki really does work for covid. My husband had fevers, and extreme fatigue and was laying on the couch for a few days. After the session, the fever was gone. And he was walking around normally. And all of his symptoms improved a whole lot too. He had the chills, headache, dull taste. All from 1 reiki session.”
Testimonial #3 (January 2, 2021):

“Hi Carlos, this is ******. Happy New Year and hope u are well. I’m wondering if I can Venmo u for a remote reiki with my husband? He’s sick at home, tested twice that it’s not covid. But he has severe chest pain when he breaths. I just took him to the ER and they took another covid test, we have to wait for the results”
“I woke him up to eat a little. Still in some pain but it seems like there are a bit more blood flow in his face. I just recently got 2 pet cockatiels. Could he have an allergic reaction to them? Or psittacosis?”
“I don’t know about those. I just scanned him again and found most Blockages are gone. Let me know how does he feel tomorrow.”
“thank u so much. Really appreciate your help”
“Good morning carlos, so far the chest pain when he breaths still remains. But he just woke up so I’m going to give him some food and see how he feels after”
“Right now he seems better, actually craving food and can chat a bit”
“Sounds good ******. I’m helping some friends with moving. I’ll scan him when I get home”
“Thank u”
“******, I just scanned ******. Even though I didn’t find the deep blockage in his heart chakra, I believe he’ll benefit with another session or two. If he feels strong enough and comfortable coming here, try to bring him tomorrow.”
“Thank u so much. I’ll try and see if he can come to ur place tomorrow. Colors are back in his cheeks and he’s awake more than yesterday”
“Fantastic! I’m very happy to hear that! Good night!”
“Really appreciate ur help. Good night”
“Hi ******! How’s ****** doing?”
“Hi Carlos, thank u, he’s doing better. Blood oxygen level is better and more energy. We didn’t go because the test results came back positive on covid. But oddly I’m still totally ok, no symptoms. But we just quarantine just in case to not endanger others. It makes me doubt the contagious level of this virus or how accurate are the test results. But thank God I’m ok, and ****** is getting better”
“Great! I also doubt about all that ******. I’ve seen 300+ since March and I didn’t get anything!”
“I’m glad there are healers like u helping and not buying into this. I also don’t believe in the vaccine, if our immune system is strong enough. Vaccine isn’t needed”
Testimonial #4 (two client testimonials):

This client called and asked for a distance healing session for him and his friend (who I didn’t know), both with fevers from COVID. Thirty minutes later we started a 30 minute Distance session.
This was his response the next morning:
Me: “How do you both feel?”
“Better, thank you. We just have to rest.”
Me: “And the fever?”
“It’s all gone fever 🤒 Thank God”
Testimonial #5 (April 1, 2020):

“Good morning Carlos – Thank you very much for all you did last night! I feel so grateful, beyond words. Take care of yourself and continue helping people. Many blessings.”
Testimonial #6 (July 30, 2021):

COVID-19 Distance Healing Sessions

Duration: 45 – 60 minutes
Payment accepted through Venmo and Zelle
- Individual Distance Healing Sessions to help during the Coronavirus crisis!
- We connect over the phone
- I scan your chakras to find energy blockages, toxic energy cords and other deeper energy blockages, which help me in removing them
- If it is necessary, I’ll share this information with you
If you are interested in a Distance Healing Session, please call me at 310.592.1813 ,
email me at carloscaridad (at)
or contact me here to coordinate your Reiki session.
Please send me a message using the Contact Form below to schedule your Appointment:
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