Healing Your Broken Heart, Body, Mind and Soul!

Energy Sexually Transmitted “Diseases” or Energy STDs!

In response to a video in which I mentioned that intelligent forms of toxic energies, or dynamic energy blockages, called entities, can be transferred or “contracted” by having sex with a person who has them, a YouTube viewer found it very interesting and asked my the questions I copied below, from those YouTube videos:

If you have any question on Energy Sexually Transmitted (“Diseases”) Toxic Energies,
please write it in the Comment Box at the bottom of this page!



This is a good video. At the end when you spoke about casual sex with others who are also blocked, the one who is looking for the “feel good” can have negative energy transferred back to them from the other person because they may also be suffering blockages and negative energy.

This is a very interesting topic.

I believe we take a little of each person we are with intimately.

Question: Can people who are fully grounded use their energy to heal a broken person with sex? Like, if a wife is depressed and the husband is spiritually strong, meditating, good whole food diet, you know, healthy; can he through sex, heal her depression with his positive energy?

Or the same from casual partners with one being strong in the same sense and the other weak?

My answers from the YouTube video to her questions:

This is a very important and great question Lady Dawnie!!! In my opinion and experience, the short answer is Yes!

Example: A woman has chronic depression because she has energy blockages and/or entities (conscious toxic forms of energy).

In having sex, it’s very likely the entity wants to reside in a stronger energy person and will leave the woman and move to the partner.

Now that the partner has to fight that energy blockage/entity, it could weaken them and it could “put in a good fight” to stay. If there is Love between them and the partner is strong enough to get rid of that toxic energy, that would be something wonderful to do.

If this happens reversing the roles, it is the same process.

Most people are not even aware of this toxic energy mechanism and the one who receives the entity/toxic energy, will have symptoms that can take a very long time to get rid of. Thank you for participating Lady Dawnie!


Dawn, here is the first video answer: https://youtu.be/UUXWYkN40nM

Then I recorded the first answer for her questions with this video:

! Energy STD’s…Perfect title!!!! Great video, very clear and intriguing.

Thank you for the time you take to answer questions and the willingness to make sure the answers are clear which leads to more good dialogue for viewers.

So, if the one person is blocked by entities, that same energy blocks their partner in the same areas?
Wow! So, just like a physical STD, both partners have to be treated to heal.

How many reiki sessions does it usually take to heal from an energy std and can this be done with one group healing session with several reiki practitioners?

Can you heal someone with this kind of blockage with distance healing?

Does the reiki master take precaution against possibly becoming infected when cleansing someone else’s chakras and negativity?


Here are my answers:

“Dawn, it makes me very happy you understood my message!

Here are some answers:

  1. “if the one person is blocked by entities, that same energy blocks their partner in the same areas?”

The short answer is Yes, because if two people are intimate together, it’s very likely they share some kind of the same energy virtues and blockages. Secondly, they might have similar issues to heal/work on and those are related to energy blockages or predispositions on the same chakras.

  1. “just like a physical STD, both partners have to be treated to heal”.

I believe an STD is just a reflection of deeper Energy Blockages.

  1. “How many reiki sessions does it usually take to heal from an energy STD?”

This is something very personal because what the Energy Healer does is remove the Energy Blockages/Entities AND find where the root cause of the Auric Energy Field is weak and heals that area too.

If that root cause is not healed, the “crack” or “hole’ in the Aura/Energy Shield, can cause the toxic energies to come back.

It could take one, three or five sessions. Hands-on, in person, or Distance ones.

  1. “and can this be done with one group healing session with several reiki practitioners?”

There is no need for a group of Healers to remove Energy Blockages or Entities. However, if the Group of Healers is in sync and in Harmony, a group session could be very powerful!

This is what I experiment with my students weekly Group Healing. We facilitate Group Distance Healing to the rest of the group or we join to facilitate healing to one or two persons in need of it.

  1. “Can you heal someone with this kind of blockage with distance healing?” Yes, it can be done at a Distance, because it’s Energy, time and space do not exist, are not obstacles for The Energy!
  1. “Does the reiki master take precaution against possibly becoming infected when cleansing someone else’s chakras and negativity?” Yes, Energy Healers have Energy protections against these toxic energies. The best protection, for everyone, is our close connection with the Divinity, The Energy which is a direct manifestation of God. God is a Higher Power AND Energy! That’s what Reiki means:

Meaning of the word “Reiki”

The Universal Life Force Energy that flows through all living things

Other ways to explain its meaning are: Intelligent living energy or bio-energy.

Thus, Reiki is a bio-energy healing modality of energy medicine or energy healing, also called “energy work.“

The Japanese word pronounced ray – key means “Universal Life Force Energy

Rei means “Universal and refers to the spiritual or Energetic dimension of the soul

Ki means “The vital life force energy that flows through all living things” (our bodies)


I hope these answers bring more clarity and knowledge to this fascinating subject of “Energy STDs”!!!



If you are interested in any of my services/programs, please call me at 310.592.1813 , email me at carloscaridad (at) reikienergyhealingla.org or fill out the form below.


6 responses to “Energy Sexually Transmitted “Diseases” or Energy STDs!”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I have a great grandfather who owned a brothel, was abusive to his wife & children (one being my matriarchal grandmother).

    Then my mom was molested by her father.

    I had perverse experieces with older men from a young age.

    When I was 15 & still a virgin, a partner of 5 yrs with an cold sore transferred hsv 1 to my genitals during oral sex. He was alot older & I believe he chose younger women or me, a virgin, due to his extremely small penis. Perhaps he was shameful or rejected by women his age

    And I believe I later contracted hpv from a sordid encounter with a sexually toxic person around 21 yrs old.

    I know the distorted sexual energies go far back in my spiritual bloodline.
    However I know I can cure these physical manifestations.

    I’m looking to understand the energetic transference.

    Louise Haye notes Herpes as being about sexual guilt. Perhaps this is the energy in common in my lineage of abuse.

    I appreciate any insight or recommendations.

    Thank you 🙏

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      …forgot to add that someone tried to date rape me in my mid-twenties.

      I am 48 now.

      Diagnosed with endometriosis last year when sharing that I had experienced many years of painful sex.

      Idk if that’s accurate.

      But I also had a LEAP/cryotherapy procedure done in my twenties where they removed the tip of my cervix cause of pre-cancerous cells.

      I feel like I have major womb trauma. I makes me sad how hurt my womanhood has been from all of the family history, the experiences so early in my life & the fear of passing illness to sexual partners… especially one recently who was molested as a child.

      1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

        Endometriosis is the result of traumatic romantic or sexual relationships.
        This is why, also, painful sex is experienced.
        Endometriosis and the other conditions you mentioned, can be healed, when the toxic energies that are at the root cause of them are removed!
        I’ll answer by email in more detail.


    2. reikienergyhealingla Avatar


      I’ll answer you in more detail by email.

      1. All physical challenges have a root cause in toxic energies.
      2. Yes, your family history of dysfunctional sexuality has affected you a lot.
      3. The toxic energies that are at the root cause of dysfunctional behavior, are transferred (energetically or in consciousness, from generation to generation.
      4. All those physical health challenges you mentioned, have its root in toxic energies, energy blockages, that control our actions, reactions and moods.
      5. To heal the physical manifestations we have to address first the energy and consciousness ones, and you must be willing to do the necessary changes in life style required to help in your healing process.

      Carlos Caridad
      Reiki Master

  2. phoenix-blue Avatar

    Dear Carlos,
    Thank you for your videos, fascinating. I have an important question- Can someone contract a toxic sexual energy entity when having sex with a partner outside of the body, such as on the astral plane, or on a higher spiritual plane? The partner is one’s twin flame or twin soul and the two are energetically and spiritually deeply connected. So this is within a loving relationship at a very high vibration. What if one partner had a history of childhood abuse. Could an energy attachment transfer when they have no physical sex or physical contact?

    1. reikienergyhealingla Avatar

      Hello Phoenix Blue, very interesting question and thank you very much for that!
      This conversation is helping many people to understand this delicate subject!

      We can surely get attached the toxic energies from a being in spirit, a person who died and we are in “spiritual” or energy contact him.

      Did you know this person before he died?
      Did you “meet” him just in spirit?
      Does he make love to you only with your consent?

      I had clients, more women than men, who have those “toxic sexual energy entities” attached.
      They feel they do not have control of their sexual “activity.”

      Now. those clients came to this world with that “toxic sexual energy entities”, an attachment from several lives.
      In these cases of my clients, they did not want that intimate relationship, because they could not control it.
      They also had the very toxic energies from that spirit bothering them
      That’s why they came from healing.

      If you don’t mind, for my educational purposes. I’d like to talk with you.

      Please email me at carloscaridad@reikienergyhealingla.org

      Carlos Caridad
      Reiki Master

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