Healing Your Broken Heart, Body, Mind and Soul!

Freedom from Depression or Healing Depression means Removing the Energy Blockages or Root Causes, produced by Emotional Traumas, that are affecting us by causing mental pain when we remember the events that brought us to that pain and Depression.

Note: Please read the article below Reiki and Energy Psychology in Mental Health Care, from the Psychology Today website.

Depression is the reaction or response of our mind to certain traumatic events in our lives. That response is also reflected in our physical and energy bodies: our body feels weak, our heart heavy and our mind “lazy”, not wanting to do anything to come out of that state.

Depression can not be healed with external methods like supplements or medications because its root cause is an Energy Blockage that like a parasite, and energy parasite, absorbs or sucks our energy constantly, day and night!

There are some isolated cases in which depression comes from a severe lack of proper nutrition. Some important neuro transmitters are not present in out brain in the healthy amounts we need.

Most cases depression is the slow evolution of a traumatic event in our lives that has not been resolved. Unresolved traumatic situations in live lead some people to resource to alcohol and drugs, street-recreational and prescription drugs, which temporarily cover the depression symptoms.

In my experience, the most effective way to remove depression from our minds and bodies, is to seek help from an experienced Energy Healer, like Reiki, and remove those dark, toxic energies that are at the root cause of depression. 

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Depression is a vicious circle that starts with an emotional trauma, the lost of someone we loved so much, a broken heart, abuse, and many more situations. Then, because of the emotional mental pain, we resource to alcohol, drugs, sex or other forms of escaping from reality, just to get out of our mind and remember that mental pain. 

In any of those escaping states, our mind is blank and our energy field is open to those toxic energies, including entities, individual, conscious form of toxic energies, Then some people even resource to prescription drugs to numb even more the pain from the mind, or pain-body, as Ekart Tolle name it, That doesn’t work; it’s not a solution.

Testimonials of Healed Depression with Reiki and the John of God Crystal Bed

What is the root cause of depression? The toxic energy generated by traumatic-unresolved events in our lives, create Energy Blockages. These Energy Blockages restrict the free flow of Energy that our Chakras absorb. The consequence is fatigue because of lack of energy to feed our organs and body.

What is the Solution? Remove those Energy Blockages or Toxic Energies from our body by using Reiki Energy Healing).

My work is to find Energy Blockages and Remove them. You don’t need to disclose the painful events in your life: they are reflected on your energy blockages (not the details, just the toxic energy).

Reiki and Energy Psychology in Mental Health Care

Limited preliminary findings require confirmation by large controlled studies.

by James Lake, MD, Integrative Mental Health Care

Article from Psychology Today

Preliminary findings for Reiki in depressed mood and generalized anxiety:

Findings of a 6-week, single-blind, sham-controlled trial of Reiki on depressed mood (73 subjects) suggested that regular Reiki treatments may increase feelings of general well-being and reduce stress. The study population consisted of volunteers who complained of depressed mood or “stress” but did not meet diagnostic criteria for a major psychiatric disorder. Subjects were randomized to weekly 1½-hour, hands-on Reiki versus distant Reiki or distant sham Reiki treatments. Patients who received hands-on or distant Reiki treatments experienced significant and equivalent improvements in depressed mood and stress, which were sustained one  year after treatment was terminated. No one in the sham Reiki group improved during or following the study.

There is some evidence that Reiki treatments may improve anxiety in chronic pain patients. In a small sham-controlled study (12 subjects), chronic pain patients were randomized to receive Reiki versus sham Reiki, progressive muscle relaxation, or no treatment. Improvements in pain and anxiety were significantly greater among patients receiving Reiki than sham-Reiki and relaxation training. The significance of these findings is limited by the absence of controls on anti-anxiety medications during the study. 

Energy psychology therapies are probably ineffective for anxiety and mood disorders.

Emotional freedom therapy (EFT), thought field therapy (TFT), and body psychotherapy are “energy psychology” techniques used to treat mood disorders, phobias, and other anxiety disorders. Few sham-controlled studies have been done to date, and most studies are small, methodologically flawed and report highly inconsistent findings. EFT treatments can be self-administered using a manual following an initial training session, and no technical expertise is required. In a double-blind, prospective trial (35 subjects), patients who met DSM-IV-TR criteria for a specific phobia were randomized to receive one EFT treatment versus one session of diaphragmatic breathing (DB) while exposed to a feared small animal. EFT-treated patients experienced greater improvement than DB-treated patients in four of five measures of anxiety, and improvements were sustained at 3 months in the absence of further EFT or DB treatments. These findings were replicated in a subsequent study. A study comparing EFT and sham EFT in anxious individuals who had not been formally diagnosed found no differences in anxiety reduction between a defined EFT protocol and a sham protocol. These findings suggested that therapeutic benefits of EFT may be attributable to desensitization and distraction. A sham-controlled study on EFT in depression found equivalent non-significant changes in mood following EFT and sham treatment.

Large well-designed prospective sham-controlled studies on Reiki and different energy psychology techniques on individuals diagnosed with anxiety or mood disorders using formal DSM diagnostic criteria are needed before any conclusions can be made about the efficacy of these approaches. 



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